Alpha Release

Meet the first UPAP enabled blockchain wallet

Introducing MegaMask, a decentralized blockchain wallet that combines universal interoperability with dynamic social features.

Say hello 👋🏽 to Seamless blockchain transactions across multiple networks*

Secure Transactions

All the security you expect from a crypto wallet with no limitations on what blockchain you use.

Seamless interoperability

Trustless transactions across multiple blockchains without a need for third-party bridges or oracles.

* Phase 1: Ethereum, Polygon, and Wire Network.
* Phase 2: Universal interoperability with all modern blockchains

Unify your assets

For now you can display and manage all assets held on Ethereum, Polygon and Wire’s layer-1 blockchain.

Access multiple networks

Soon you will be able to send, receive, and buy digital currencies on any modern blockchain network.

Buy & Sell NFT's

Shop from the Wire NFT directory to buy and sell directly inside your Mega Mask wallet.

Personalize your profile

Add some personality to your profile and connect with other MegaMask users to build your crypto community.

Share your top links

Share your profile with others to let them explore your favorite links, social profiles and more.

View Network activity

Keep up with transactions across your community with a live feed of network activity.

Say goodbye ✌🏼to unpredictable gas fees

MegaMask is the first blockchain wallet to leverage the novel UPAP framework which allows users to trade assets across multiple chains without worrying about unpredictable gas fees.

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Have you seen the new MegaMask wallet?
No but Emily was telling me about it yesterday.
Should I get it?
Looks impressive!
I've been exploring the alpha release and there are some cool features.
You can even login with your WNS account.
Damn. Really?
Where can I get an invite?

Cryptographically secure messaging for trustless communication

Experience the power of secure chat messaging powered by Connect with other users, join group chats, and enjoy personalized user profiles.

Group chats

Start a group chat with friends about your favorite crypto projects

Direct messages

Send private messages to other MegaMask users for a more social wallet experience.

Activity Feeds

Share your transactions with others inside of a Venmo style activity feed.

Follow other users

Build a community around your crypto transactions, NFT projects and more

We're on a mission to make blockchain tech easier to use

Learn more about Wire Network
Incredibly powerful

Aggregate balances, integrate assets and bring all of your blockchain transactions under one roof.

Easy to use

Experience a seamless and intuitive user interface that makes managing your crypto assets effortless.

Join the MegaMask Alpha

Experience the future of crypto wallets today